
Showing posts from October, 2022

Another Reddit Post Answer

Posted by u/Liquidcatz 2 hours ago I am so sick of my mother acting like I can still see! Discussion My vision is 20/400 I'm functionally blind, but can still see. I do pretty well navigating the world with low vision to the extent most people don't realize I can't see, but I'm still functionally blind. I've been like this for 3 years now and was steadily losing vision before that for years. My awful excuse for a mother can't get it through her head that I can't see anything. She's been with me to eye doctors appointments. She's well aware I'm functionally blind. But MULTIPLE TIMES A DAY this woman still holds things up across the room and expects me to look at the object and respond to it. Asks me to go look for something in another room. Or do tasks that generally require vision that I don't have! Then she has the audacity to get mad at me for not being able to see! I'm so over it. I've mostly come to terms with my very

The Butter Knife

I used my only butter knife to make a peanut butter sandwich yesterday afternoon. I remember washing it when I was done. Today it's gone. I can't find it in the silverware drawer. I can't find it in the dishwasher where I put my dishes to dry after I washed them by hand. I reached down the garbage disposal in the sink to feel around for it but it's not there, either. I looked in the fridge and in the cabinet where I keep the bread and peanut butter. I looked in all the other cabinets and drawers, too. I even looked through the kitchen garbage can and on the floor around the cabinets. No knife. One of the benefits of living alone is having my stuff stay where I left it. Nobody moves my things, nobody puts their own stuff in places I don't expect. That's important. A few months before I moved my wife decided to rearrange the kitchen without telling me. The corn chips don't belong here anymore, they belong over there. The rice should go here. The canned soup wi

Greetings from Virginia

This is nice. A beautiful home in a beautiful neighborhood in a beautiful city. We got to Roanoke Friday afternoon. Layne and Veronica took my wife home this morning. I'm on my own for a few months. We installed handles on all the kitchen cabinets, hung a few closet rods for clothes, unpacked all my stuff, hung a mirror, rewired some temporary light switches into permanent electrical boxes, replaced a missing shingle, cleaned out the rain gutters, repainted the chain link fence and the chimney flue cap, installed an extension arm on the downstairs shower head, and raked the leaves in the front yard. I even decorated an unfinished basement wall to hide the studs and wiring. We were very productive in a short time. I'm not done. The toggle switch to turn the garbage disposal on is inside the sink cabinet. Unacceptable - I'm way too tall to bend over like that, and who wants to open a cabinet door with wet, soapy hands? The sink cabinet has a false drawer front on it. I've

Last Few Days in San Antonio

I just hit my head on a kitchen cabinet while washing dishes. Rattled my teeth pretty hard. I didn't lose consciousness but it's gonna leave a bruise. This is my own home. I've lived here fifteen years and still smacked my head. It makes me a little worried about moving to Virginia by myself next week. I wonder how many times I'll have to learn where stuff in my new house is the hard way. * * * My friend Devin showed up to Brass Monkey last night. I couldn't really see him because he was wearing dark clothes but Julie said he looks even sexier than before. He finally left our old employer and is thriving at his new company. I've worked with blueprints for twenty years and Devin's were absolutely top quality. He produced as many in a day as most good engineers make in a week and he's the best nester I've ever known. He learned all this hands on - the company we worked for hired him straight out of high school. Over the years I've noticed it feels