
Showing posts from April, 2022

Being Satisfied vs. Being Happy

Have you ever been so determined to beat a level on a mobile game you've stayed up way too late, gotten angry, maybe even threw your phone when you lost? If so, you clearly weren't happy playing it. Yet you played it anyway because the satisfaction of beating a particularly hard level is a powerful incentive. When you finally win you feel a sense of accomplishment. You're a winner! You're proud of yourself. And you might mistake this feeling for happiness. Before I went blind my life was spent in pursuit of satisfaction. Difficult challenges at work brought out the competitive nature in me. I got a kick out of doing the things my coworkers couldn't and making myself the most valuable, necessary member of the team. If you could weld 1,000 parts in a shift I wouldn't stop until I welded 1,001. Now that I'm blind I live in the moment. My life isn't a game anymore - I'm not approaching each new day as an opportunity to beat my previous high score. It too

A Recent Answer from r/Blind

Medina_Dina 2 points · 5 days ago Hi everybody, My name is Madina and I am a student at George Washington University. My classmates and I are working on a project linked to assistive technology and the accessibility of products and services for visually impaired people. You will help us a lot if you answer the following questions. Appreciate your participation. What age group describes your best? Degree of blindness. Do you use phones for assistance in your daily life? What apps or programs help you in your daily life? Do you use finance or grocery-related apps that provide special services for the blind? Will you be willing to change your bank if it offered distinctive services for visually impaired people? What is the most challenging task in your daily life due to your sight limitations? What services or products would you like to be more accessible for visually impaired people? Thank you once again and have a wonderful day! Kind regards, Madina BlindManOnFire 1 point · 2 day


My computer is on the fritz. The charger only works when it feels like it and even when it works, sometimes when I'm using it the battery drains faster than it recharges. It just happened again. A young blind girl who goes by u/yamallama0330 was sick of the pity and lashed out at her parents, then came to r/Blind to ask if she went too far - "I am a blind teen and live a pretty freaking lively life. I do Taekwondo, I do horseback riding, I’m a head producer for a student led feature length film, I’m in multiple academic honors societies, I LITERALLY WORK AT QDOBA, and I’m always just the blind girl. "Everyone looks at me with pity, and the comments I get are unbearable. "Why do people think that everyone wants to be cured, or that we can’t live fulfilling lives? “I’ll pray for your cure”, “oh you’re so pretty for a blind girl!”, “you can’t work, you’re blind”. Literally so sick and tired of it. "My parents are pushing for a cure, genetic testing and pok