
Showing posts from August, 2023

The Consequence of Having Children While Carrying a Genetic Disease

  Lord, grant me the courage to change the things I can, The patience to accept the things I can't, And this wisdom to know the difference. - The Serenity Prayer After our third kid was born my wife and I decided to have just one more. Four's a good number. I'm one of four kids, my wife's family is even larger. We would have one more and our family would be complete. That was the plan, but we got twins instead. We jumped from three to five just like that. But we didn't mind. I've always loved children. I'm an oddball myself and adult logic still baffles me. I understand kids better than I understand people my own age. My wife comes from a religious family who think of children as blessings and raising them to be the doing the work of God. So five was good. We were happy with five. Then number six came because that blue contraceptive gel they sell at the grocery store doesn't work. We're not sure how number seven happened. We were using every