
Showing posts from July, 2023


Art is hard to define. It could be limited to drawing and painting and sculpture or it can encompass the way you parked your car at a little bit of an angle to the yellow lines in the parking lot. If the way we set our forks on our plates is influenced by our subconscious need to defy expectations, a rebellion against the status quo, then all of us are both artists and works of art. That would be a good discussion to have, but not here. This blog is about blindness, not the concept of art. I want to write about visual art. Why would a blind man want to write about visual artistry? Maybe to defy expectations and as a rebellion against the status quo. I create. That's just what I do. Kitchen cabinets, Toyota trucks, bed frames, short stories, computer programs, stair cases, kids, sculpture, schematic drawings, and today, painting and bead work on reusable canvas shopping bags. But why? Why not work in finance instead? If you were the only person in the world would you be rich or poor